나막신 춤 영어로
영어 번역
- clog
- 나막신 나막신 (wooden) clogs; wooden shoes (with high
- 춤 춤1 [무용] a dance; dancing; a step(무도).
- 나막신 나막신 (wooden) clogs; wooden shoes (with high supports); sabots; pattens. ~ 소리 the clip-clap of clogs / pattering of clogs . ~을 신다 put on clogs / wear clogs. ~을 신고 걷다 walk in clogs.
- 나막신 나무 The Tree of Wooden Clogs
- 나막신 춤을 추다 clog
- 덧나막신 geta; sabot; patten
- 왜나막신 왜나막신 [倭-] Japanese (wooden) clogs.
- 옛날 진 땅을 걸을 때 신발밑에 덧신은 나막신 patten
- 춤 춤1 [무용] a dance; dancing; a step(무도). 양~ a western[an occidental] dance / ballroom dancing. 어깨~ shoulder dancing. 엉덩이~ hula(-hula) / a hula dance. ~상대 one's partner (in a dance). 추잡한 ~ an indecent[
- 춤 춤 Dance
- 꽃잎, 춤 Petal Dance
- 달걀 춤 egg dance
- 부요 (춤) Nihon-buyō
- 살사 (춤) Salsa (dance)
- 왕의 춤 Le Roi danse